Saturday, August 6, 2011

You might notice a distinct lack of thingamajigs and doodads and whatsits in this post.  And that's because my mom brought up, quite rightly, that this was a dollhouse building site, and my dollhouse is still languishing while I make thingamajigs and doodads and whatsits for inside this shack of a dollhouse. 

So tomorrow I'm doing flooring (uuugh, flooring), and I intend to complain loudly about it the whole time (loudly, you hear me?  I am going to be in one of those moments where I scream, and the camera pans away from me and out to the house, and the camera pans out to the city, and the camera pans out to the planet small in a swathe of space, and all the while you can still hear me screaming).

In preparation for that grueling task that I'm hoping to get to tomorrow if I can finish my reading, I am doing absotively nada today.  Well.  Paint touch-ups in the room I'm going to carpet, but.  Nada. 

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